#HeyjowQuarantineCorners Postcard Edition: Snippets of Home Life
This new sub-series we call #HeyjowQuarantineCorners Postcard Edition is our own little way of making feelings of isolation and loneliness a bit more bearable. Connection through digital means has become so essential in our day-to-day lives, especially at this time, and we hope these short stories will inspire you to reach out to a friend or a loved one. Check back on this page for updates!
Follow Tina on Instagram: @tina.dg_
Find Sabrina on Instagram: @sinfullysabrina
Find Anna on Instagram: @annazavalla
Follow Lorra on Instagram: @lorraelena
Follow Em on Instagram: @emmsulit
Follow Mia on Instagram: @miasison
Follow Sunshine on Instagram: @thecraftersmarketplacemanila
Follow Anika on Instagram: @anikamartirez
Find Anne on Instagram: @stylistofsorts
Follow Christine on Instagram: @steadystine
Follow Marilen on Instagram: @marilenstyles
Follow Tina on Instagram: @itstyn
Follow Stella on Instagram: @stellapastores
Find Indy on Instagram: @indyplayground
Find Maggie on Instagram: @maggiesmusings
Find Adi on Instagram: @lovethesearch
Find Georgia on Instagram: @sweetestgeorgiapeach
Find Tanya on Instagram: @tanyamariaaguila

Find Celine on Instagram: @celine_gabriel